58 entries « 1 of 2 »


From Maps to Minds: Interdisciplinary Learning through Critical GIS and Data Visualization

From Maps to Minds: Interdisciplinary Learning through Critical GIS and Data Visualization

Specht, DougConference paperForthcoming

Improving University Teaching, L, 2025

Links | BibTeX

Maps as Communication: Unveiling the Power of Cartographic Narratives

Maps as Communication: Unveiling the Power of Cartographic Narratives

Specht, DougConference paperForthcoming

Communication and Media Research Institute, 50th Anniversary Conference, London, UK, 2025

Abstract | BibTeX

Writing with Technologies - From Script to Screen: AI and Contemporary Storytelling

Writing with Technologies - From Script to Screen: AI and Contemporary Storytelling

Specht, DougPublic eventForthcoming

Bath Spa University’s Centre for Cultural and Creative Industries (CCCI) and Narrative and Emerging Technologies (NET) Lab, 2025

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


The cartographer as activist: Mapping and social justice

The cartographer as activist: Mapping and social justice

Specht, DougConference paper

International Conference "Global Civil Society’s value and law power facing a crisis of values and law. Ideas and actions to shape an international order of peace", Innovation and threats in transnational social mobilization, 2024

Links | BibTeX

Education for Sustainable Development: A Vertically  Integrated Approach

Education for Sustainable Development: A Vertically Integrated Approach

Specht, DougConference paper

Improving University Teaching, Milwaukee WI USA, 2024

Links | BibTeX

Education for Sustainable Development: A horizontal and vertical model of learning for the future

Education for Sustainable Development: A horizontal and vertical model of learning for the future

Specht, DougConference paperForthcomingKeynote

2024 SOLSTICE and CLT conference, Liverpool, UK, 2024

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Global Summit on ESG and Sustainability

Global Summit on ESG and Sustainability

Specht, DougConference paper

Mumbai, India, 2024


Media, Activism and Politics: How the media can change the world

Media, Activism and Politics: How the media can change the world

Specht, DougConference paper

International Week 2024, Madrid, 2024



Being Human in an AI world: Perspectives from Higher Education

Being Human in an AI world: Perspectives from Higher Education

Specht, DougConference paperKeynote

Cientifica del Sur University, Lima, Peru, 2023


The Self(ie) in the Anthroposcene

The Self(ie) in the Anthroposcene

Specht, DougConference paper

Conceptualising vulnerability in a time of human rights regression, Padova, Italy, 2023

Links | BibTeX

Conflictive territorial dynamics through collaborative mapping: Reflections and lessons to be learned

Conflictive territorial dynamics through collaborative mapping: Reflections and lessons to be learned

Specht, DougConference paper

Aalborg University, Transformative Connections: Building Diverse Relations for a Just Green Transition, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2023

Links | BibTeX

Media, Maps, and the Making of War

Media, Maps, and the Making of War

Specht, DougConference paper

GeoMedia 2023, Tampere University, Norway, 2023

Links | BibTeX

Disappearing into the map: The hiding of tragedy through war cartography

Disappearing into the map: The hiding of tragedy through war cartography

Specht, DougConference paper

MeCCSA 2023: Connected Futures?, 2023

Links | BibTeX

AI and the death of higher education?

AI and the death of higher education?

Petrovna, Denitsa; Specht, DougConference paper

International Conference on Improving University Teaching, Heriot-Watt Putrajaya Malaysia, 2023

Links | BibTeX

Chasing Happiness - A Barrier to Student Satisfaction?

Chasing Happiness - A Barrier to Student Satisfaction?

Specht, DougConference paper

International Conference on Improving University Teaching, Heriot-Watt Putrajaya Malaysia, 2023

Links | BibTeX

 Can't get no satisfaction: The pursuit of student happiness at the expense of experience

Can't get no satisfaction: The pursuit of student happiness at the expense of experience

Specht, DougConference paper

AdvanceHE, Teaching and Learning Conference 2023: Teaching in the spotlight: Shaping the future of teaching in HE, Keele University, 2023

Links | BibTeX

Making Sense of Generative AI in Teaching

Making Sense of Generative AI in Teaching

Specht, Doug; Saunders, GunterConference paper

APT Conference, King's College London, 2023

Links | BibTeX

Geospatial Ethical Frameworks: A meta analysis

Geospatial Ethical Frameworks: A meta analysis

Specht, DougConference paper

Digital Geography Research Group 6th Annual Symposium, University of Westminster, London, UK, 2023


Greening societies with just socio-technical transformations: Joining agendas across disciplines and the activist-academia divide

Greening societies with just socio-technical transformations: Joining agendas across disciplines and the activist-academia divide

Specht, DougConference paper

Network for Global Justice and the Environmental Humanities (EHJustice) workshop, 2023



Environmental recovery after colonialism

Environmental recovery after colonialism

Specht, DougConference paper

Human Rights Centre of the University of Padova, The Consequences of War and their Interdependence. Bringing Human Security Back to the Global Political Agenda, 2022

Links | BibTeX

Integrating geospatial ethics into everyday practice

Integrating geospatial ethics into everyday practice

Specht, DougConference paper

Second United Nations World Geospatial Information Congress, TP4A - Capability development for sustainability and resilience, Hyderabad, India, 2022


Exploring the intersection of KE, outreach and professional development: A model for a sustainable university

Exploring the intersection of KE, outreach and professional development: A model for a sustainable university

Specht, DougConference paper

CETI Learning &Teaching Symposium, London, UK, 2022


Teaching geospatial ethics to non-geographers

Teaching geospatial ethics to non-geographers

Specht, DougConference paper

Royal Geographical Society (with IGB) Annual International Conference, Newcastle, UK, 2022

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Creative Practice in the Virtual Studio

Creative Practice in the Virtual Studio

Petrovna, Denitsa; Specht, DougConference paper

International Conference on Improving University Teaching, Tbilisi, Georgia, 2022

Links | BibTeX

Going it Alone Online: Lessons from a Fully Asynchronous Dissertation Module

Going it Alone Online: Lessons from a Fully Asynchronous Dissertation Module

Specht, DougConference paper

International Conference on Improving University Teaching, Tbilisi, Georgia, 2022

Links | BibTeX

Embedding Ethics in Geography:  Geospatial ethical frameworks in the classroom

Embedding Ethics in Geography: Geospatial ethical frameworks in the classroom

Specht, DougConference paper

EuroGEO, Lesvos, Greece, 2022

Links | BibTeX

Reimagining the relationships between Knowledge Exchange, Continuing Professional Development, and Outreach

Reimagining the relationships between Knowledge Exchange, Continuing Professional Development, and Outreach

Specht, DougConference paper

Plymouth Marjon University, Knowledge Exchange in Higher Education: implications for teaching and research, Plymouth, UK, 2022



Framing Environmental Justice through Social Media in Latin America

Framing Environmental Justice through Social Media in Latin America

Specht, DougConference paper

Media and Power Conference, Lima, Peru, 2021


Reflections on a successful ‘online pivot’: learning for the future

Reflections on a successful ‘online pivot’: learning for the future

Peter Chatterton Doug Specht, Peter HartleyConference paper

Academic Practice and Technology (APT2021) conference, Online, 2021

Links | BibTeX

Technopolitics and mapping in International Development: A case study of Tanzania

Technopolitics and mapping in International Development: A case study of Tanzania

Specht, DougConference paper

EuroGEO, Online, 2021

Links | BibTeX

Misrepresentation in knowledge dissemination: How can critical social education help?

Misrepresentation in knowledge dissemination: How can critical social education help?

Gimenez, Julio; Specht, DougConference paper

University of Westminster, CETI Conversations in Educational Research, Online, 2021



Mapping online communities in the Digital Classroom

Mapping online communities in the Digital Classroom

Specht, DougConference paperVideo

Digital Geography Research Group 4th Annual Symposium, Using the Digital: Research Methods, Teaching, and Everyday Practice, Online, 2020

Links | BibTeX

EPQ Media and Communication

EPQ Media and Communication

Specht, DougConference paper

University of Westminster, Learning and Teaching Symposium, Online, 2020



Human Rights: Mappings, Surveillance, and Sousveillance

Human Rights: Mappings, Surveillance, and Sousveillance

Specht, DougConference paperSlides available

Business Ethics and Human Rights, from Theory to Practice, Regents University, London, 2019

Links | BibTeX

Illusions of Community: Mapping online interactions during extended peer work exercises

Illusions of Community: Mapping online interactions during extended peer work exercises

Specht, DougConference paper

Researcher Network Conference ‘Research Matters’, University of Westminster, London, UK, 2019


Escaping the Cartographic Gaze

Escaping the Cartographic Gaze

Specht, DougPublic eventSlides available

Geospatial World Forum, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2019

Links | BibTeX


The Art of Data and value of nothingness

The Art of Data and value of nothingness

Specht, DougPublic event

UK Mapping Festival (with BCS and SoC), ILEC Conference Centre, London, UK, 2018


Closing the divide: Data visualisations, organisational structures and representation in humanitarian mapping

Closing the divide: Data visualisations, organisational structures and representation in humanitarian mapping

Specht, Doug; Hunt, AmeliaConference paperPhotosSlides available

FOSS4G, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2018

Links | BibTeX

New participatory spaces: The role of locating in resistance

New participatory spaces: The role of locating in resistance

Specht, DougConference paperPhotosSlides available

FOSS4G, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2018

Links | BibTeX

Neogeography and the insurrection of knowledges

Neogeography and the insurrection of knowledges

Specht, DougConference paper

EASST, Meetings – Making Science, Technology and Society together, Lancaster University, UK, 2018


 Bigger Data, Bigger Divide? The role of Big Data and GI Analysis in redrawing the digital divide

Bigger Data, Bigger Divide? The role of Big Data and GI Analysis in redrawing the digital divide

Specht, DougConference paper

University of Westminster, International Development at Westminster: current research and future perspectives, London, UK, 2018



Data, Visualisation and Human Development

Data, Visualisation and Human Development

Specht, Doug; Boehnert, JoannaConference paper

OII, Oxford Big Data and Development Symposium, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2016

Abstract | BibTeX

 Bigger Data, Bigger Divide? The role of Big Data and GI Analysis in redrawing the digital information divide

Bigger Data, Bigger Divide? The role of Big Data and GI Analysis in redrawing the digital information divide

Specht, DougConference paper

Penn State University, Freedom of Information in Crisis Zones, 2016


Mapping the Violence of Development

Mapping the Violence of Development

Specht, DougConference paper

AAG, Annual Conference, San Francisco, USA, 2016


How 2 Do It

How 2 Do It

Melissa Nisbett Roger Hallam,; Specht, Doug (Ed.)Conference paper

Kings College London,, London, UK, 2016



Walking the Tightrope: Activism and the Academy

Walking the Tightrope: Activism and the Academy

Specht, DougConference paper

Goldsmiths, Social Movements and Media Technologies, London, UK, 2015


How digital media, data and GIS are used in legitimizing and codifying local knowledge within the context of International Development

How digital media, data and GIS are used in legitimizing and codifying local knowledge within the context of International Development

Specht, DougConference paper

University of Westminster, Transforming data: creative and critical directions in the arts and humanities, London, UK, 2015


Big Data and Development

Big Data and Development

Specht, DougConference paper

Development Studies Association, Annual Conference, University of Bath, UK, 2015


 Big Data and Development

Big Data and Development

Specht, DougConference paper

RGS, Annual Conference, University of Exeter, UK, 2015


The Digital Toolbox of Social Movements – Social Media vs. Online Mapping

The Digital Toolbox of Social Movements – Social Media vs. Online Mapping

Specht, DougConference paper

International Conference of Critical Geography, Precarious Radicalism on Shifting Grounds: Towards a Politics of Possibility, Ramallah, Palestine, 2015


58 entries « 1 of 2 »
Doug Specht is a Reader in Cultural Geography and Communication, a Chartered Geographer (CGeog. FRGS), and Assistant Head of School in the School of Media and Communication at the University of Westminster.

His research examines how knowledge is constructed and codified through digital and cartographic artefacts, focusing on development issues in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa, where he has carried out extensive fieldwork. He also writes and researches on pedagogy, and is author of the Media and Communications Student Study Guide.

He speaks and writes on topics of data ethics, development, education and mapping practices at conferences and invited lectures around the world. He is a member of the editorial board at Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture, and the journal Anthropocenes – Human, Inhuman, Posthuman. He is also Chair of the Environmental Network for Central America.