Research has been shared through the following outlets

Type: Interview
By: Jacob Jarvis
Published by: The Bunker Global
Date: 4 August 2023

Type: Interview
By: Mark Harris
Published by: MIT Technology Review
Date: 9 December 2022

Type: Interview
By: Aoife Ryan-Christensen
Published by: RTE
Date: 18 November 2022

Type: Interview
Published by: Publimetro
Date: 18th April 2022

Las acciones de mano dura en El Salvador en contra de las pandillas ha encendido las alertas sobre derechos humanos en el mundo.

Type: Interview
Published by: DevEx
Date: 25th February 2021

Interview with DevEx about the role of ethics in using satellite data in development and humanitarian interventions

Type: Podcast
Published by: New Book Network
Date: 29th October 2020

Doug Specht joined Alexandra Ortolja-Baird of the New Book Network to talk about maps and data, and how the they affect our daily lives.

Type: Television news appearance
Published by: CCTV-2
Date: 19th October 2020

Doug Specht recently spoke with CCTV about the future of internet television, regulation, and the present landscape of British broadcasting. Parts of this interview were featured in a news item on CCTV-2, the business and finance focused channel of CCTV, shown on 19th October 2020.

Type: Research quoted
Published by: ARD
Date: 10th June 2020
As Black Lives Matter protests swept through parts of Britain after the killing of George Floyd in the US, a self-described Conservative student, James Yucel, became so disillusioned with what he interpreted as left-wing bias at the BBC that he established a campaign that he christened “Defund the BBC”. The Twitter handle, @DefundBBC, was presumably in ironic homage to the BLM campaign to #DefundThePolice.

Type: Online video for news outlet
Published by: iNews
Date: 18th March 2020
When fake news, misreporting and alternative facts are everywhere, reading the news can be a challenge. Not only is there plenty of misinformation about the coronavirus pandemic, climate change and other scientific topics floating around social media, you also need to read science stories, even well-known publications, with caution.

Type: Radio interview
Broadcast: 7:25pm, 22 August 2019.
I joined Clive Bull on his LBC show to discuss the forest fires in Brazil, there causes and why they are such a significant issue.

Type: Television interview
Broadcast: 10:45am, 22 Anugust 2019.
I joined Kimberley Leonard on Sky News to discuss the forest fires in Brazil, there causes and why they are such a significant issue. Watch >>

Why Location Matters in Data Analytics

Type: Work quoted
By Steven Booth
Published by: GIS Professional
Date: December, 2016
Stephen Booth, editor in chief of GIS Professional, has written, in their December issue, about seeing Doug Specht present on his work examining the relationship between post-impressionist art and cartography.

L’Inghilterra é un’isola?

Type: Magazine interview
By Sara Alzetta
Published by: ERODOTO108 (Italy)
Date: Autumn 2016
An interview about multiculturalism in the UK after the Brexit vote.

Connecting Communities: Knowledges, Maps and the Issue with Big Data

Type: Online interview
By: Jon Eilenberg
Date: September 2016
An interview with HNRN on how aid organisations can improve their communication with the people they’re trying to help. And how local communities share and use knowledges in societies where activism can mean persecution or even death.

Моя ученица сочинила музыкальный этюд о вулканах

Type: Magazine profile
By: Anastasia Denisova
Published by: Geo Magazine, Russia.
Date: August 2016
A profile for Geo Magazine, Russia, as their Geographer of the Month. The interview, in Russian, discusses teaching, geography and how these have come together to produce new learning methods for activist movements.

Cartographic Industry Profiles.

Type: Magazine profile
By UKCC National Report to ICA.
Date: August, 2015
A profile of Voz human rights mapping platform developed by Doug and Todd Specht.

Mapping human rights from Colombia to Congo

Type: Research quoted
By Jen Wilton
Published by: New Internationalist
Date: June 2015
An article outlining the work of Voz in mapping human rights and environmental abuses around the globe.




Doug Specht is a Reader in Cultural Geography and Communication, a Chartered Geographer (CGeog. FRGS), and Assistant Head of School in the School of Media and Communication at the University of Westminster.

His research examines how knowledge is constructed and codified through digital and cartographic artefacts, focusing on development issues in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa, where he has carried out extensive fieldwork. He also writes and researches on pedagogy, and is author of the Media and Communications Student Study Guide.

He speaks and writes on topics of data ethics, development, education and mapping practices at conferences and invited lectures around the world. He is a member of the editorial board at Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture, and the journal Anthropocenes – Human, Inhuman, Posthuman. He is also Chair of the Environmental Network for Central America.